Transform with
Intrinsic Agility

Realizing your business's full potential necessitates a thorough transformation and strategic synchronization. Our goal is to assist your organization in maximizing the benefits of the most pertinent solutions available.

We specialize in addressing the specific challenges faced by organizations during their agile transformations.

Whether you are at the beginning of your agile transformation, are searching for assistance to overcome a hurdle mid-way through your journey or have already signed on a major consulting firm to supply transformation resources, we are here to assist. Our support and resources are tailored to your needs.  

How We Help

Our Client's Situation

"Being a major financial institution, we decided to hire a renowned consulting firm for guidance with our agile transformation. As the months progressed, it became evident that the expectations set were not being met. Ultimately, we were not getting out of the process what was needed, prompting us to reach out for additional assistance with our execution."

The Intrinsic Agility Solution

In the case of this financial institution, we deeply engaging with their teams, we identified the root causes of their frustrations and introduced flexible frameworks that aligned with their unique organizational culture. This allowed us to create meaningful and sustainable change, providing the necessary support and training to empower their staff and ultimately guiding them toward a successful agile transformation that met their expectations.

Rediscovering Agile

Imagine if you could discard all the misconceptions you were taught about agile and relearn it from a composite group of seasoned Agile professionals who embody agile values in their daily work. At Intrinsic Agility, we’re committed to making that a reality.

Two Select Approaches

Agile Transformation: We provide a tailored approach designed to support you at every stage of your agile transformation journey. Our process not only involves assessing your current workflows and team dynamics but also includes comprehensive training sessions to equip your teams with the necessary tools and frameworks. This ensures they can effectively adopt the behavioral changes required for a continuous and relentless improvement model. By fostering a culture of adaptability and collaboration, we help you create an environment where innovation thrives and teams can respond swiftly to changing market demands.

Business Agility Audits: If your company has hired a major consulting firm, we can help. Our partnership and allegiance is with your organization, not with any vendor. That said, we will conduct comprehensive unbiased Independent Business Agility Audits. Our audits critique the guidance the big-box firm is providing your team and analyze the transformation playbook being created for your organization. Our approach is not an attempt to subvert the major consulting firm you are in contract with to bring in our own army consultants. Rather, our goal is simple - strategically inserting select resources to ensure the big consulting firms provide the result you hired them to deliver - a truly agile organization. This approach ensures the corporate funds allocated for your transformation are used wisely and effectively, deriving the best possible results with real value.

Strategy and Execution

A well structured and articulated agile strategy helps in aligning the teams’ efforts with the organization’s goals, fostering a shared understanding of priorities, and guiding decision-making processes. However, the mere presence of a strategy is not enough; its execution is where many companies stumble. Effective execution is often the more complex aspect of agile transformations, as it involves changing entrenched mindsets and embracing new ways of working. Businesses must prioritize both a robust strategy and its diligent execution to foster an agile culture that truly delivers value and drives results.

Our Reputation Depends on the Success of Our Clients

Transform your business with partners who embody the principles they encourage clients to embrace. By choosing Intrinsic Agility, you are selecting an ally that not only advocates for business agility but also practices it in their own operations. This ensures that your journey towards agility is supported by a firm that truly understands and lives by these values.

It's not only the name of our firm, It literally should be the way your team approaches your transformation - with Intrinsic Agility.